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First off, I am so proud of this paper and the grade a received on it. Here's some background: I decided to do a complete 180 and change my final paper topic less than a week before it was due. I told my professor that this was what I was going to do and she told me to go for it. I researched and wrote this entire paper in three days, and if I can remember correctly, I received and A! I chose to present this artifact of my IS work because I really enjoyed this class and I worked hard on this paper in such a short amount of time, while still doing a good job. I also found foraging and farming a very interesting topic as well as just the general idea of looking at gender in past societies. Going back, I definitely would have taken more time, but honestly sometime my best work is done under pressure. I also would have maybe focused on one area of the world instead of multiple. Read my paper here:

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